If you encounter any kind of issue while playing Don't Starve, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked or with Hamlet and require support through the Don't Starve Bug Tracker, here are a number of files you may want to include that will help provide us with more details about your game's performance or graphics-related issue.
In order to generate your DXDiag.txt on most recent Windows operating systems:
- Click on your Start button
- Press the Windows key + R on your keyboard to access the "Run" window
- On the new window, type in dxdiag.exe and press enter; this will open up the DirectX diagnostic tool
- Click on the "Save All Information" tab on the diagnostic tool
- A "Save As..." window will pop up where you can click on save. It will save your hardware information as a document to your desktop (default).
- Close the diagnostic tool and attach the new document to your forum post or support ticket.
Log.txt (Steam and Standalone)
In order to find your game's log.txt file:
PC: Go to your documents folder at Documents\klei\donotstarve\log.txt
Mac: Go to your documents folder at ~/Documents/Klei/DoNotStarve/log.txt
Linux: Go to your Klei folder at ~/.klei/DoNotStarve/log.txt
If you are playing on Steam, it may be helpful to provide us with your .mdmp file. It should be located in your Steam folders at:
- Steam\SteamApps\Common\dont_starve\bin\.mdmp
Save Files (Steam and Standalone)
There are situations where we may ask you for a copy of your save file.
If you are playing on Steam (with Steam Cloud turned off) or the Standalone version, you can find your save at:
- Your Documents folder\klei\donotstarve\Save
If you are playing on a PC + Steam (with Steam Cloud turned on) you can find your save file at:
- C:\Program FIles (x86)\Steam\userdata\{Your Steam ID Number }\219740\remote
if you are playing on a Mac + Steam (with Steam Cloud turned on) you can find your save file at:
- Library\application support\Steam\userdata\{Your Steam ID Number}\219740\remote