To get Snow Chester in-game:
- Fill Chester’s inventory with Blue Gems and on the night of a full moon, he will consume the gems and transform to Snow Chester!
- Along with a new arctic white fur coat and blue springy feet, he becomes a portable Ice Box and will give you a bonus to the time it takes for food inside of him to spoil.
- If Snow Chester is defeated in the game by enemies, a classic Chester will still respawn after a while, just as he does now.
- First, you'll have to watch the in-game moon cycle. If your regular ol’ Chester happens to have every inventory slot filled with Nightmare Fuel on the night of a full moon, he will consume it and become Shadow Chester.
- Along with having new dark fur, he will also have 3 extra inventory slots permanently.
- If Shadow Chester is defeated in the game by enemies, a classic Chester will still respawn after a while, just as he does now.