How much is Don't Starve: Pocket Edition (Android)?
Don't Starve: Pocket Edition is available now on the Google Play Store for $4.99 (USD).
What are the device/OS requirements for Don't Starve: Pocket Edition?
Don't Starve: Pocket Edition requires Android 5.0 (or greater) as well as Embedded OpenGL3.0 (or greater) to run. Please visit the Google Play store to have the Play Store app automatically check if your device meets these requirements.
Does Don't Starve: Pocket Edition include the Reign of Giants content?
Yes it does! Just like the iOS version, Don't Starve: Pocket Edition for Android includes Reign of Giants content including playable characters, seasons, and the giants!
Is localization/multiple languages supported for Don't Starve: Pocket Edition?
Localization is available for Don't Starve: Pocket Edition (Android). Supported languages include:
French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified/Traditional), Polish, Russian and Spanish.
I found a bug in Don't Starve: Pocket Edition! Can you fix it?
If you think you've found a bug in Don't Starve: Pocket Edition, you should head over to our Don't Starve: Pocket Edition Forum and see if anyone else has had issue like your own. If yes, add to the discussion! If you can't find your issue, add a new one and we'll take a look at it as soon as we can.