We have found that yelling at the darkness to be ineffective so we have provided a suggestions and feedback forum where you can discuss your ideas with the community. The Don't Starve team reads all feedback and suggestions and will oftentimes participate in forum discussions as well.
We really appreciate receiving everyone's feedback and suggestions, though we receive so many ideas and suggestions daily that we just don't have the ability to add them all into the game.
Our community involves thousands of people on our forums discussing and sharing ideas and suggestions. There have been ideas that made it into the game, but they've generally been a combination of ideas and conversations from our community rather than a single idea from an individual.
We really appreciate receiving everyone's feedback and suggestions, though we receive so many ideas and suggestions daily that we just don't have the ability to add them all into the game.
Our community involves thousands of people on our forums discussing and sharing ideas and suggestions. There have been ideas that made it into the game, but they've generally been a combination of ideas and conversations from our community rather than a single idea from an individual.