If you purchased the the Don't Starve soundtrack from the Humble store, would have been sent a confirmation email containing a unique URL to your Humble download page. If you are unable to find the email from Humble, you can use the Humble Order Resender Tool to request the confirmation email to be resent.
If Soundtrack was purchased along with the game
If you purchased your soundtrack in addition to the main game, you can download it:
- To the right of "Choose Platform" you can choose from "Windows", "Mac OS X", "Linux", and "Music".
- Click on "Music", it will bring up the download link for your Don't Starve soundtrack.
- Choose your download type between Directlink or BitTorrent.
- Choose between FLAC or MP3 file types and click on the one you want to begin your download.
- The soundtrack will be downloaded as a .zip file; unzip to locate and access your soundtrack folder.
If Soundtrack was purchased by itself
Within that URL, will be a download link for your Soundtrack you can download and install it by:
- Choose your download type between Directlink or BitTorrent.
- Choose between FLAC or MP3 file types and click on the one you want to begin your download.
- The soundtrack will be downloaded as a .zip file; unzip to locate and access your soundtrack folder.