All Don't Starve Together players can associate their account to their Klei Account to begin receiving cool, exclusive items while watching or streaming Don't Starve Together on
Here's how to link your account to your Klei account:
1) Visit and choose your platform to log in (Steam / Xbox Live / PSN / WeGame / Epic Games)
2a) If you have not done so yet, create your Klei Account before continuing on;
2b) If you already have a Klei Account, navigate to the REWARDS tab found on the top of the page;
3) Click on the "LINK ACCOUNT" button in the Twitch linking box to begin the linking process;
4) Log-in to your Twitch Account in the next screen > and when asked to Authorize access to the account, click on the purple Authorize button to complete the process.
After that just watch a streamer who has Twitch item drops enabled on their channel and get those drops! You can only receive one of each and once you have them all, you cannot get more until the next round of items.
Note these items are for use in Don't Starve Together and cannot be used in single player Don't Starve at this time.