If you have recently purchased skins or bundles for Don't Starve Together from the in-game shop, or from Steam store (or via bolts on PS4 / Xbox One), and are not able to find the items in-game, here are a number of troubleshooting steps that can help:
1) Log in and check your accounts inventory page to see if item(s) have been received in your account.
2) Ensure you are not on a beta branch for Don’t Starve Together on Steam by switching back to the regular, live branch. (Steam Only)
- Right-click Don’t Starve Together in your Steam library > choose “Properties”
- Click on the BETAS tab
- In the drop down menu, choose NONE - Opt out of all beta programs
- Verify your game files to finish switching to the live branch
3) Disable all mods in case you have any enabled (or installed) that may interfere with the game’s UI presentation. (Steam Only)
- If disabling mods does not work, delete all mod files from your Steam folder for Don't Starve Together. Once all mod files have been deleted from your Steam folder for the game, unsubscribe all of your Don't Starve Together mods from the Steam Workshop, then try launching the game once more.
4) Ensure that your Item Collection/Curio Cabinet item filters (buttons on top of the item collection screen) are set to show all items. If you have filters enabled, it will only show a few things within those filters, but not all items. Specifically, try disabling both the "Owned" and "Weavable" filters so that all items are shown. From there, use the search function to find the item in your inventory.
5) If you have more than 10,000 items in your Klei account, you have hit our item display limit, and you may need to unravel duplicates in order to display newer items.
If you have followed all troubleshooting steps above and the issue persists, your best, next step is to contact live support and provide your Klei User ID (KU ID) as well as a copy of your receipt and we will investigate further.