If a player would like to unravel an item skin, they must choose the item on the list and choose the "Unravel" option/button at the bottom of the screen. Doing so will remove the item for the specified amount of spool.
When unraveling item skins, the game will double-check to make sure that the player really wants to unravel that skin for spools, before allowing them to do so.
If a player unintentionally unravels an item skin, a rollback is possible to undo the unravel, as long as the spool amount from the unravel is still available in the Klei Account.
To rollback an unravel, the player will need to log in to their Klei Account page, and visit their Transaction page > scroll down to the unraveled item and click on ROLLBACK to complete the rollback process.
Once the rollback has been completed, the item will be returned to the player's inventory, and the spools from the unravel will be removed from the account.
If you are looking for information on how to "Weave" item skins in Don't Starve Together, check out the support doc here.