Hey there, if you were directed here from our forums, you have been determined to be a bot or spammer and now have a restricted account.
A restricted account will not be able to post, but you will still have access to reading posts.
This will NOT affect your game account in any way. This restriction only applies to our forums.
If you are NOT a spammer, most often that means you are probably using an IP address of somebody else who has been spamming their way around the world I'm sorry about that, this doesn't happen often, but it can happen from time to time.
You're likely using a public computer, a VPN or maybe your ISP assigned you an IP address that was previously used by a spammer. Or you may be doing something that the system doesn't like. (In that case, please stop).
In rare cases, you may be infected with some sort of malware that is sending out spam through your computer.
If you are in fact not a spammer and you are somebody who is actually interested in our forum, hit us up by clicking the "Submit a Request" link over there to the top right or under this article and fill out the form. We will be happy to sort it out.